Sunday, March 27, 2022

Blue Table Painting Weekly Update Page (2.0)

>> Welcome to the BTP project update page 2.0

 If you need to get a hold of me email 

Phone 801 372 7661

Want some painting love on your minis?

 Jessica and John


Models Incoming
Send models to:
c/o Blakfyre Games
391 S Main St
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062

Marvel 07 LSCH *

Warhound Weapons x2   out of stock at GW
Skorpius for RJON

1x Daemonbreaker (find)
3x boxes Havocs
3x Venomcrawlers
1x Raptors (to make Chaos Lords)
15x Rubric Marines (models)
2x boxes Chaos Bikers
1x Haarken Worldclaimer


Package is here, not opened yet.


This is a holding area for projects.  A specialist will soon look over your instructions and make sure the document is vetted for the artist.  Shawn needs to finish paperwork  That's what the * means

 Waiting for Assembly
Assigned to an assembler in 1-14 days, typically but not always.  

 Sisters of Battle 01 KBAR *

High Elves 02 BJER * Needs finishing work
Deathguard 02 AYEP  tanks and plaguecasters
Sisters of Battle 05 MRIS *
Sisters of Battle 04 MRIS * 
Dwarfs 04 LWAR

Reaver MBAL base mods
Victory at Sea 01 LWAR
Pending to Isaiah

Pending to Connecticut
Black Templars 01 MBAL some assembly, various infantry 
Black Templars 02 MBAL *
Black Templars 03 MBAL all
Black Templars 04 MBAL * primarch +20
Death Korps 06 MBAL * Minotaur tank, half done

Active Assembly
This means that an assembler is working on your project.

Dragon Rider for BJER
Tyranids 04 MMER *
Tyranids 02 JLAM
Daemons 02 AYEP

Terrain 02/03 LWAR 

Waiting for Painting
Your project is secure at the studio.  On occasion, because of the specialty nature of a project, it takes longer.  For example: your project might need a specific painter or need special skills that only a few painters possess.  In ideal conditions there should be no projects lingering here for more than twenty days.

Grey Knights 01 BPET *
Arena Rex 01 WNOE
Company of Heroes 01 BGAB *

Cerastus Knight 01 MBAL
Titans 01 MBAL  


Active Painting
This means that a painter is working on your project and expected completion is in 14-28+ days.
It will then go to digital photography where you will get HD pics on Flickr for review.

Black Templars 02 MBAL *  dreadnoughts
Necrons 01 AYEP touchups, heroes
Khorne (Daemons) 01 AYEP
Warhound of Freedom 01 LMAR  body has arrived, need 2x weapons
Black Templars 03 BMCK 


Steel Legion 02 ABRE   rsim
Boardgames 03 ECHI scythe
Silent King 01 JCON "Oz"
Silent King 01 SNOI * 
Warhammer Quest 01 JGAR
Aztecs 02 JMIL
Kharadrons 02 PBOU 
Deathguard 01 AYEP 

Necrons 01 JCOM destroyers
Crimson Fists 01WMOS

Gloomspite 01 AYEP

 Digital Photography
Your project is waiting to get pictures taken.
Tantalus 01 DROS  assembly only
World Eaters 01 AYEP  
Sisters 01 AYEP 
Sisters 02 AYEP 
Client Review
Liberty's Daughters 01 TBLO
Bolt Action Japanese 02 LWAR   needs vid 

For a project to be shipped we need approval and payment.  If you want alterations to your project we are more than happy to accommodate.  If you paid, and you like the work, your project should not appear here!  Contact

Mordheim Terrain 01 NSKI

Tyranids 02 JLAM
Vampire 01 JIVI 
Beastmen (King) 01 BDAH
Fantasy Figures 13 ASMI * dwarven clan
Eldar 06 SMAT
Blood Angels 11 JWAL  tanks
Fantasy Figures (x5) DMCE *
Custodes 02 BFRE  jetbikes

Hell Knights 04 JLAM *
Aztecs 01 JMIL
Black Templars 02 BMCK   infantry
Avatar 01 MSTR
Black Legion 01 AYEP followups
Mordheim 03 BSMI
Bonereapers 01 PFIT
Eldar 05 SMAT Phoenix Lords
Terrain 40K 06 JWAL
Fantasy Figures 01 MRIS Naga
Retrowave Mechanicus Heroes
Champions 01 CSBO

Elves 22 CSCH
Custodes 01 AYEP Venetarii
Retrowave RJON  Retrowave cleanup
Chaos 06 ASAU noctolith gate
Cake Topper 01 TJ
Daemons Kill Team 01 IDAY
Battlefront 01 DDER British
World Eaters 03 MSHE
Eldar 05 SNEL wraith bases
Custodes 01 AYEP
Black Templars 01 MBAL Large Tanks and Flyers
Praetor 01 MHAR done
Heroes 02 MBEN 
Blood Angels 10 JWAL five infantry
Chaos 05 ASAU
Fantasy Figures 01 BDUH

Custodes 01 JPER * one annihilator
Dwarfs 03 LWAR needs followup with crew bases, client needs pics of assembled models
 Sisters Priority List AYEP
Thousand Sons 03/4 JEMM
Dragon 01 SRIC  almost done
Deathguard 01 JPLA 
 Custodes 04 JSHU Canis Rex
Elves 21 CSCH
Custodes 01 JPER *  vehicles
Custodes 05 MHUR

Custodes 03 JSHU
Custodes 02 TOXB assembly of dreadnoughts
Fantasy Figures 07 BFRE
Fantasy Figures 08 WTAY
Tyranids TSEI
  Imperial Fists 01 NEDW *
Zombicide 02 JLAM
Fantasy Figures 01 SNTH  include bonus models
Marvel 06 LSCH
Infinity 02 JPOL
Fantasy Figures 01 BSTE *  goblins
World Eaters 02 MSHE   Lord of Skulls
Necrons 08 BFRE
Tyranids NHOR
Custodes 01 JSHU
Custodes 02 JSHU  tanks
Kill Team Terrain JWAL
Tyranids 04 JNIC  *  waiting on Rippers, all others assembled
Tyranids 02 PALL * Norn
Marvel 05 LSCH  chibis
Leviathan (box) 01 NHOR * space marines
Nemesis 01 BGAB
Marvel 01 TSCH
Hornet assembly

Tyranids 01 DGIN
Chaos Knights 01 SNEL
DGIN touchups

Terrain 02 BSMI
Zombicide 01 JLAM
Warlord 01 ALEV fist and talons
Thousand Sons ACHU infantry
Buildings 01 BSMI
Marvel 01 JDEV
Elves 18 CSCH  eyes only
Salamanders 01 SNEL lava bases
Eldar 06 JWAL finishing work needed, farseers
Grey Knights 03 MROD
Steel Rifts 01 GOCA

Necrons 07 BFRE
Mechanicus 04 RJON  destroyers
Wraithknight SNEL touchups
Asurmen touchups
Elves 17 CSCH
Eldar 03 SNEL * Belakor
Leviathan HHAR
Exocrine for MMER
Salamanders 01 HWEI
Thousand Sons 02 JEMM
Tyranids 02 MMER
Elves 16 CSCH
Song of Ice and Fire 01 AFER
Mordheim 02 BSMI 
World Eaters 01 MSHE  
Marvel 01 MCON  Hulks
Terrain 04 JWAL three kits finishing work only
Death Korps 01 CWAL  
Dark Angels 01 AKIL * the Lion
Marvel 04 LSCH   25x figures
Blood Angels 02 JWAL kill team 
Blood Angels 03 PFIT upgrade sanguinary guard
Blood Angels 02 CBUC
Grey Knights 03 JLAM Hell Knights
Mordheim 01 BSMI 
Sisters of Battle 03 MRIS Katherine
Warhammer Fantasy 11 JWAL  hydra  L
High Elves 01 JBEN
Boarding Action 01 JWAL
Tyberos the Red Wake 01 LNAS
Fantasy Figures 05 BFRE
Flyers for High Elves BJER mods
Bolt Action 02 MCON  done
Eldar 07 JWAL  shining spears
High Elves 13 CSCH done
Eldar 01 TSEI
 Grey Knights 02 JLAM
 Horus 01 CCON 
 Mechanicus 04 RJON
WarCry 03 BSMI * Bloodhunt + extras, pending to Shawn for painting/extras
WW2 Diorama 01 CSHE
 Blood Bowl Dwarves 02 BBOW
Blood Angels 02 JCAS
Void 02 JFUC
 WW2 Diorama 01 CSHE part B
 Blood Ravens 02 RLIS 
High Elves 11 CSCH
High Elves 12 CSCH
ASAU base
 WarCry 02 BSMI
Dragons 01 SNTH
Dwarves 01 KBEA
 Star Wars 03 BECK victory class destroyer, done 
Mechanicus 04 RJON stragglers
Galaxy Bases 01 MRIS
 Blood Angels 01 CBUC
 Eldar 05 MMER  webway and warlocks 
Fantasy Figures 03 DMCM
Tau Super Sentai 02 MRIS 
 Warcry 01 BSMI 
Marvel 03 LSCH done
Marines 01 EDAD  done
Chaos 02 ASAU  chaos cultists
High Elves 10 CSCH  
Fantasy Figures 10 JWAL cd
 Warp Talons Night Lords 03 MVAS
Trollbloods 02 TPLA
Fantasy Figures 03 BFRE
Song of Ice and Fire 01 SHIG
High Elves 09 CSCH
 Warhammer Fantasy 01 JECK
Familiar Tales 01 JCHA
Knights Errant 01 HHAR
Fantasy Figures 02 DMCM
Flames of War Germans 01 ALOV 
 Ahriman 01 PJAM  
Fantasy Figures 01 MBEN  alterations to bases
High Elves 08 CSCH fixes on Neratha
 Fantasy Figures 02 BFRE
Marvel 02 LSCH
Kill Team 02 PJAM intercessors
Gellerpox 01 CCON
Sisters of Battle 0 JPER
Wonderland 01 JMIL  plus expansion (Kraken)
Fantasy Figures 01 APIL
Fantasy Figures 01 BFRE
High Elves 02 ETAT banners and trays
Grotix 01 MNEW
Heroes 12 ASMI
Chaos 01 ASAU
Kill Team 01 PJAM
Cygnar 01 EWIR  
Steel Legion 01 ABRE
 Deathguard 04 ACHU heroes
 Eldar 01 SWIL 
 Rifts 02 RWAL done
Halflings 01 EPER  Blood Bowl 
High Elves 06 CSCH  (22-03)
High Elves 07 CSCH (22-04)
 Ogres 02 GQUI
Eldar MMER bikes, shroudrunners, vypers 
Chaos Knight assembly 01 SNEL
Star Wars 11 BSHA
 Age of Sigmar 06 BFRE
High Elves 05 CSCH
Orks 01 BJOH
Kragnos SHIL
 Ogryns 01 TSEI * local delivery
Warhammer Fantasy 05 JWAL greater daemons classics
Fantasy Figures 11 ASMI x7 heroes @ L6, done
Infinity 07 MCON
 Grey Knights 01 CBUC  Terminators x5 underway
Froghemoth 01 PGOO 
 Tau 02 JGUT battlesuits
Infinity 01 JPOL
Fantasy Figures 09 JWAL  female heroes

Necrons 06 BFRE
  Blood Angels 02 PFIT
Trollbloods 03 WRID 
 Sanctum 01 JBAC
Warhammer Fantasy 08 heroes
Green Dragon rework WWAS
Hags 01 JMAR 
Dark Eldar 02 CHIL  Tantalus
Deathguard 01 ACAN ship May 14th
Death Korps Kill Team 01 MSMI
Bolt Action 01 MCON
Imperial Guard 01 IPIT
 Space Marines 01 JHOH * send back
 Eldar 05 MMER Maugan Ra and Avatar
Marvel 01 JLAM *  pending
Blood Bowl 02 JPOL * vampires
 Iron Warriors 01 TSEI need stripes
Orks 01 JEMM
 Warhammer Fantasy 07 JWAL orky golem
 High Elves 04 CSCH
Empire 01 CSUT
Tyranids 01 CNGU
Thousand Sons 03 MGAR 
Lord of the Rings 04 SPAR
Nurgle 01 SPEA
Stormcast 01 LEGU
 Lelith 01 RJON   
Night Lords Primarch 01 MVAS   
Historicals 01 EMOB 

Star Wars 10 BSHA
Black Templars 01 MBAL Thunderhawk
Deathguard 03 ACHU  needs embellishment
Warhammer Fantasy 04 JWAL beastmen
Grey Knights KMCC
BattleTech 04 LKAI
Tau 03 JGUT
Ogres 01 GQUI  
Imperial Guard 01 CSTA
Necrons 05 BFRE 
Tomb Kings 11 MKOR 
Fantasy Figures 10 ASMI
 Dark Eldar 01 CHIL 
Fungus Nids 02 DSAL
Custodes 04 MHUR
 Genestealer Cult Kill Team 01 MFRE
Last Chancers 01 ABRE
Easterlings 01 CJOH artistic license
 Easterlings 01 CJOH artistic license
Marvel Terrain SSAN terrain
 Custodes DBUR  sending back soon
Harlequins 01 JMES
Blood Ravens 01 RLIS
WarCry Red Harvest SGAT
Sisters of Battle 03 JBAC (Armigers)
 Warhammer Fantasy 03 JWAL
Space Marines 01 RCLA 
 Eldar 04 MMER  18x shining spears
 Mega Gargants 01 LTUE
Heroes 03 GMAT
Grey Knights 01 KMCC  tanks rework
Necrons 04 BFRE
Heroes 02 GMAT
Deathguard 01 SFRE  kill team
Infinity 06 MCON
Heroes 02 BDUH finished
 Thousand Sons 01 JEMM
 Space Sharks 01 MVAS almost done!
Tomb Kings 09 MKOR
Tomb Kings 08 MKOR  forty warriors
Deathguard 02 ACHU
 Necromunda 04 ZFEL final
Dominion 01 BSCH
Marvel Heroes 01 SSAN
Sisters of Battle 02 JBAC just tank left
 Void Elves 01 SSTO 
JWAL Crimson Hunter
Eldar 01 BROB finishing work
Battletech 03 LKAI 
Necrons 03 BFRE
Sisters of Battle 01 JBAC 
Orks 01 CJOH

Space Ships 01 DDER
Terrain 01 KKEL  
Grey Knights 02 JNEW  
 Ork Mek Gunz CJOH 
Sisters of Battle 02 LTUE   assembly only
Ulthwe 02 SNEL
Tomb Kings (chariot) 08 MKOR  fixes
Fantasy 01 JWAL
Fantasy 02 JWAL
Sculpts 03 ALAW
Kroot 01 FWYA artistic license
Soublight Gravelords 01 RWAT
Custodes Kill Team 01 DTHO
Crimson Fists 01 GAHL   finishing work
Malifaux Assembly 01 TPFA
Gaunt's Ghosts 01 TSEI
Space Marines 01 RWOE  blood angels
Tau 01 MCON  plus Outriders
Custodes 01 MGAJ 
Necrons 02 BFRE
Eldar 01 GAHL 
Deathguard 01 ACHU  twelve models
Team Yankee 01 GSCH
Eldar 03+04 JWAL tanks
Nurgle Carnival of Chaos 01 and 02 PGRE
Orks 01 GAHL 
Ironjawz 01 JKIR rework
Ork Mek Gunz GAHL 
White Scars 04 JWAL captain on bike
Tomb Kings 07 MKOR
Custodes 03 MHUR
Dwarves 01 IHAL 
Custodes and Guard SMCA
Sisters of Battle 01 LTUE  infantry, July 12 target completion 
Sisters of Battle 02 LTUE  tanks
 Bolt Action 01 MCON
 Custodes Hero MHUR
Mechanicus 01 MCON
Blood Bowl 05 LWAR
  Marvel 01 WMOS
Necrons 01 BFRE
Assembly 02 RCLA of Primaris
Morvenn Vahl 01 JSKI
Amalia Novena 01 JSKI 
Animal Adventures 01 EGIB
Necrons 01 ABRE  
BattleTech 02 LKAI
Infinity 01 CMAR
Deathwatch 01 GAHL
 Alpha Legion 01 MUND
Star Wars 09 BSHA
Blackstone 01 GAHL
Blackstone 02 GAHL
Marvel Heroes 01 LKIZ 
Tau 01 JGUT Battlesuits
Black Templars 01 GWEI
Twilight Imperium JCHR
Nurgle 13 SHAY
JHEY freehand, Telemon
Fantasy Figures 01 KMAY *  expedited May 20
Tzeentch Horrors CDAY
Falling Star Ship RCLA
Marvel Heroes 03 JEMM   eleven heroes
Tau for PWAL Y'Vahra sample
Silver Templars 02 JTIM 
Sisters of Battle 02 SSME Katherine plus 3x banners 
Be'Lakor JGUT
Knights 01 NCAR revisions
 Valhallans 03 EGAR + Ogryns ready!
Salamanders 01+ 02 MSHE decal work
Eldar 03 SHAY  warp spiders
Legion of Everblight 05 JSHE  touchups done
Warhound 01 RBUR  finish base only
Fantasy Figures 01 DMCM
Eldar 03 ASHI all models accounted for
Fantasy Heroes 01 RNOV
Battle Lore 01 JECK
Stormcast 01 TCAR   expedited April 15
Rubric Marines for NFOU
Wurmspat 01 AROY 
White Scars 01/02/03 JWAL 
Kharadrons 01 PBOU
Night Lords 01 JSKI
Marvel Terrain 02 JEMM  artistic license 
Tariana Palos 01 JSKI
Mephiston 01 BPAS
Ultramarines 07 BFRE hammerfall bunker
Grey Knights 02 MROD  Paladins
Marvel 02 SSHE 
Custodes 02 JHEY 
Infinity 05 MCON  kaldstrom
Eldar 03 JWAL  2x Vypers
Space Marines 01 VTOM
Silver Templars 01 JTIM
Dogs 01 BWHO
Grey Knights 01 MROD  
Warriors of Chaos 01 MKOR  skullcrushers
Tanks 02 JSCH
Fallout 05 JLAM
 Blood Bowl 04 LWAR 
Nurgle 12 SHAY 
Battletech 01 LKAI 
Bretonnians 04 JBRA 
Bridges 01 RSCH  reinforcement 
Grey Knights 01 BWAN
Ogre Kingdoms 03 MKOR
Clone Marines JSMI
Empire 02 GQUI 
Lord of the Rings 03 SPAR 
40K Assembly RCLA 
Tomb Kings MKOR
Arcadia Quest 01 DSAW 
Ninja Swarmlord 01 TMOR

Sisters of Battle 02 JFUL      
Genestealer Cults 01 GAHL
Marvel 01 SSHE  green goblin
Warhammer Underworld 01 TCON   L6 all around
Underworlds 01 LSCH   L4
Fire Raptor 01 AGLO

Lumineth 01 PVIL  
 Eldar 02 SHAY  wave serpent
Command Edition 01 MSOT  marines and necrons
Infinity 04 MCON
 Iron Warriors 04 NFOU  cultists done, lord of skulls for another round

Iron Warriors 01+04 NFOU
Dwarfs 02 LWAR 
Core Space 01 MCON
Ultramarines 01 BVAN
Imperial Guard(smen) 01 JSVE
Star Wars 08 BSHA
 Jungle Terrain 01 BSMI touchups
Lord of the Rings 02 SPAR
Battle Sisters 03 SSME  St. Katherine, done
Eldar (Slaanesh) 01 JVAN
Ogryns for EGAR finishing touches
Genestealer Cults 01 JLAM
Eldar 02 JWAL needs finishing
Blood Angels 01 JWAL
Infinity 03 MCON done
Fantasy Figures 01 ASMI  
Tau 01 CSHA shadowsun

 Chaos Warriors (3D prints) 01 AHAR *  expedited
Nurgle 11 SHAY  nurglings, and 7x plague marines, top priority
Legion of Blood 02 MWIL
Necrons 03 OHIN * indomitus, ship other contents 
Sisters of Battle 01 JFUL
Ultramarines 05 BFRE done
Necrons 02 OHIN Szeras
Tau PWAL lost patrol
WarCry 01 BGAR 
Eldar 03 ASHI  shining spears x9, in sections

Armiger 01 GAHL
Nurgle 01 WGAT  Mushroomtarion
Fantasy Figure 01 NSKI fire sorceress
Nurgle 10 SHAY *  Leviathan
Eldar 01 SHAY expedited (Jul 31 goal)
Kharadron 01 NCAR repairs
Star Wars 06? BSHA magnetize Dewbacks, will still need touchups
Ogres 01 PSOR
Lord of the Rings 01 SPAR
Imperial Fists 01 BMCQ  2x whirlwinds
Infinity 02 MCON four boxes
Federation Commander 01 LWAR  done
Tarrasque 01 MWOL done

Genestealer Cult 01 GMEN

Terrain 02 LWAR  touchups +ship
Star Wars 02 BFRE
Seraphon 02 JNIC  saurus knights x5
Tanks 01 JSCH
WarCry Terrain
Tower 01 MSAL waiting on client feedback
Nurgle 09 SHAY Great Unclean One
Blood Bowl Lizardmen 01 SHAY express Monday
Star Wars 07 BSHA  May special, artistic license
Infinity 01 MCON eight figures
Thousand Sons 01 CMOY
Thousand Sons 02 CMOY
Lord of the Rings 02 BGOO
Thousand Sons 01 SJAM expedited
Blood Angels 01 MKOR  transmuted into Chaos Warriors
Arbites 01 VTOM
Star Wars BFRE
Dungeon Saga 04 LWAR
Nurgle Heroes x4 VTOM  painting
Alpha Legion 01 CCHE
Legion of Blood 01 MWIL  heroes being polished
Hero Forge 02 KHAN
Tau 01 ACAN
Fantasy Figures 01 EWES
Fantasy Figures 06 DMOY
Fallout 04 JLAM
Tau 02+03 PWAL touchups

Sylvaneth 01 RACE

Blitz Bowl 01 JKIG
Train Buildings 04 RSCH 50
Train Terrain 05 RSCH  pillars
Harlequins 01 GAHL
Space Marines 01 MGAJ  Iron Hands
Iron Hands 02 MGAJ
Necromunda 03 ZFEL 37x models
Seraphon 02 JNIC cavalry
Star Wars 04 DMCC assemble and paint
Necromunda 03 ZFEL touchups on two
Ultramarines 04 BFRE
Blood Bowl 01 JPOL
Age of Sigmar Assembly 01 TPFA
Mechanicus 01 DBUR
Blood Angels 02 JHOR  followups
Tomb Kings 01 MKOR
Tomb Kings 02 MKOR
Firebelly straggler for MKOR
Fallout 03 JLAM  pending to Shawn
Tau 02 BSIE
Trollbloods 02 WRID

Nurgle Mortals 00 PGRE
Custodes 02 SMCA (Ultramarines) three repulsors
Custodes 01 JHEY  expedited
Seraphon 01 JNIC infantry, touchups only
Scifi Figures 02 PHAR (assembly only)
Retribution 01 MBEN engines, hover base
Ravenwing 02 GYUR expedited
Black Templars 01 TCON heroes
Fallout 02 JLAM expedited
Ogre Kingdoms 01 MKOR
Fantasy Figures 07 WTAY eight heroes
Terrain ENIE   forests
Nurgle 06 SHAY * expedited
Clone Wars 01 DCLE
Elysians 01 TSTE
Nurgle 04 SHAY * on order, one model
Gnomes 01 SCOL
Vikings 01 LSCH
Lord of the Rings 01 BGOO *  expedited
SMCA ogryns and heavy weapons, painting
Necromunda Terrain ZFEL done! and packed
Song of Ice and Fire 01 CFAR
Ultramarines 01 DHAR
War Machine 01 JSCH artistic license, expedited, polishing work
Fantasy Figures 01 CALL  one model at L7
Wood Elves 01 JGAR
Tau 01 NMAL
Black Seas 01 JECK
Ultramarines 01 JSVE two invictors, models done
Storm Raptor prime black and ship
Sanctoris 01 GAHL painting
Fantasy Figures 05 DMOY
Star Wars 03 DMCC
Star Wars 01 MCON
Fantasy Figures 06 WTAY undead and beastmen
Fantasy Figures 01 EROM
Mustang 01 JLAC
Blood Angels 01 JHOR
Necromunda 02 ZFEL heroes only, Terrain in digital
Ultramarines 03 BFRE painting
Tiamat for WTAY
Skitarii part of SMCA alterations work
Shadespire CDAY
Malifaux 01 RSAL seven models
40K 01 AGAR
Inquisition 01 GAH
Inquisition (Ambots) 02 GAHL
Space Marines 01 TMAT Blood Ravens
Tau 01 RLOU
Black Templars 01 BSHI
Kill Team 01 GAHL (AL)
Hellhounds 01 EGAR
Terrain 02 RDES  trees
Abaddon 01 MTHO *
Custodes 02 KBOU
Custodes 01 KBOU
Custodes 01 NTER
Titanicus 01 RSCH
Gellerpox 02 ZFEL

Fantasy Figures 02 DGOO
Warcry 01 CSAC
Tzeentch 01 RVIS

WarCry Terrain 01 RDES

Hero Forge 01 CKIS
Tyranids 01 ENIE StarFinder
Eldar 03 MMER
Chaos 01 MTHO

Trollbloods 01 WRID
Scifi Models 01 PHAR assembly only
Lord of the Rings 02 BSMI orcs
Fallout 01 JLAM  expedited
Warcry 01 DCOL
Ultramarines 02 DBLA

Blood Bowl 03 LWAR the mighty Zug (one model)
Fantasy Figures 01 MNAU
Fantasy Figures 01 GBRA  touchups done
Necrons 01 CCAR  done!
White Scars 02 RSCH touchups
Orks 01 CJOH
Stormcast 05 BFRE

Most of these projects have been shipped or are ready to ship (ie packed up).
Nighthaunts 01 CWIN
Tiamat 01 GCRO

Fantasy Figures 05 WTAY lizardmen
Valhallans 01 EGAR
Star Wars 01 DMCC
Deathwatch 01 JTIE
Thousand Sons 02 LEGU stragglers
Necrons 01 CCAR
Blood Bowl 01 NPAD
Antares 04 LWAR
Ultramarines 04 MFRE
Sisters of Battle 01 SSME 
Amiibo 01 AKUZ 
Imperial Guard 01 TSTE 

Space Wolves 01 DBUR

Tyranids 01 JGAB just the two heads
Star Wars 02 KSHA
Fantasy Figures 02 DTER  five heroes
Watch Face 01 CLAW  done
Sisters of Battle 02 SSME
Slaanesh 02 JSCH
Freeguilds 03 MKOR  stardrake et. al. 75% done

Imperial Guard 02 TCON
Fantasy Figures 01 TMAR one green dragon
Space Wolves 01 EHAG
Hero Forge BBAI eleven versions
Bretonnians 01/02/03 JBRA
Imperial Guard 01 BLAB
Space Marines 01 TVAU
Stormcast 04 BFRE
Cadians 01/02 NZIL
Tau 01 PWAL riptides x3 
 Nurgle 03 SHAY
Star Wars 06 BSHA  artistic license
Dungeon Saga 03 LWAR touchups
Fantasy Figures 03 WTAY vintage paladins
Gloomspite 01 SHIL

Avelorn 03 MKOR
Terrain 01 RSCH
Lord of the Rings 01 BSMI
Kill Team 02 ZFEL Gellerpox 
Ravenwing 01 GYUR repair and return
Wood Elves Dragon 01 FOSP
Eldar 01 JGRA stragglers
Fantasy Figures 04 WTAY
Death Korps MBAL  done
Blood Bowl 01 NPAD
Space Wolves 02 SCHO
Dungeon Saga 02 LWAR
Deathwing 01 JKIR
Disc 01 PROB almost done
Dark Angels 01 PHAR
Hero Forge 01 HZAK one figure
Hero Forge 01 TWOL one figure
Banner ZFEL
Malifaux 01 JHOR
Fantasy Figures 02 DMOY
Darth Vader 01 MGOD
Chaos 01 AFAU
Age of Sigmar 03 BFRE 
Star Wars 02 JWIN 15
Hordes 01 ZDYE
Fantasy Figures 01 ESNE
Kill Team 01 ZFEL Orks
Fantasy Figures 02 WTAY ogroids
Fantasy Figures 01 AMIL
Fantasy Figure 01 TSAN 
Empire 01 GQUI 7
Top Secret 01/02 DPRI
Orks 01 DFAI   almost done, upgraded troops to L4
Cygnar 01 JLEN
Fantasy Figures 03 DMOY orcs et. al.
Tyranids 01 JGAB 6
Mammoth 01 JKIR  Mammox 6
Beasts of Chaos 05 CDAY
Star Wars 04 BSHA
Dragon (Kalameet) 01 NREE
Fantasy Figures 04 DMOY
Fantasy Figures 01 TNES demon lords
Nurgle 02c SHAY blightlords, plaguebearers, nurglings, nurgle heroes
Fantasy Figures 02 BDUH
Depths 01 JPON  touchups
Fantasy Figures 01 DTER 4/20
Custodes 02 MHUR
Firebats 01 AYAT
Fantasy Figures 01 JLOR
Fantasy Figures 01 JDUC
Fantasy Figures 01 WTAY
Star Wars 01 DRAY
Demogorgon 01 MFER
Orcus 01 AJON
Custodes 01 JCLI   3x vertus
Tau 01 WSMI (Tiger Shark)
Minotaur 01 ABUR
Kill Team 01 PHIR
Brimstone 01 KSHA
Figurehead 01 JCRE
Tau Supremacy Armor 01 BSIE
Fantasy Figures 01 DMOY

Star Wars 03 BSHA  followups on basing
Nurgle 01 BGRE
Tau 01 CWHI
Idoneth 01 MHUR
Squiggoths 01 DKET 
Fantasy Figures 01 DMOY
Freeguilds 02 MKOR
Fantasy Figures 01 BDUH 
Age of Sigmar 02 BFRE

Fantasy Figures 01 GNOR
Abyssals 01 CCON
Fantasy Figures 01 DGOO
Statues 01 MBAL
Custodes 01 MHUR 
Nighthaunts 01 BSHA
Shadespire 02 ZFEL
Imperial Guard 01 TCON
Cerastus Knight 01 MBAL
Dark Sun 01 JDUC
Mythic CDAY practice
Song of Ice and Fire 01 SHOY 
Azghor 01 KGEO
Cecaelia 01 MRIS
Slaanesh 01 JSCH
Thunderhawk 01 LSCH
Avelorn 02 MKOR (dragon)
Orruks 01 RCAN
Terrain 01 LWAR
Dark Angels 02 LSCH
Fantasy Figures 11 CDAY living spells
Khorne 01 BSHA
Khador 02 JMIL Sorscha
Space Hulk 01 KKEL
Freeguilds 01 MKOR
Tau Commander 01 ABRO
Shadespire 01 ZFEL
Seraphon 05 JMIL
Necromunda 01 ZFEL  Ang 1/1/2019
Thousand Sons 01 LEGU
Ork Warboss 01 AMOS conversion on bike
Dusk Raiders 01 RCLA
Fantasy Figures 01 RGRI
Astral Lions 09 ASHA
Eldar 02 MMER 
Azghor 01 SLEI
Age of Sigmar 01 BFRE
Infinity 02 BBUM (Ariadna)
Khorne 01 MTHO
Dark Eldar 01 KVAU 
Eldar 01 JGRA  done
Order of the Stick 01 JGRA
Imperial Guard 03 TSCA
White Scars 01 RSCH
Beastmen 01 PBOU

Space Hulk 01 LWAR
High Elves 01 ETAT
Age of Sigmar 04 PBOU
Death Korps 03 MBAL
Fantasy Figures 08 ASMI
Scyrah 01 JVEL
Antares 03 LWAR
Ultramarines 01 CWAD
Dark Eldar 01 MMER
Signs 01 JOLD
Ultramarines Reivers
Khador 01 JMIL
Death Korps 02 MBAL
Deathguard 01 KKEL
Mortarion 01 MCOH
Kingdom Death 02 EKEM


War of the Rings 01 ETAS
Blood Angels 01 RNYL
Age of Sigmar 02 PBOU  nine figures
Dragon 01 WWAS
Imperial Knights 01 TOXB
Tzeentch 01 AWER
Kharadrons 01 OMOR magnets
Necrons Tesseract 01 CTOS
Dwarves 01 DMEL
Fantasy Figure 01 CDAY
Infinity 01 LWAR
Fantasy Figures 01 SBRO
Custodes 01 BFRE
Kingdom Death 01 EKEM  60% done
Mythic Battles 03 KSHA
Skaven 01 BSMI
Shadespire 01 LWAR
Kill Team 01 GBUL
Guild Ball 01 KHAC
Carcharadons 01 SFUR
Blood Bowl 02 LWAR
World Eaters 01 JBAR
Terrain 01 ZPER
Celestine 01 MRIS
Bolt Action 01 LWAR
Wargods 01 AING
Fantasy Figures 01 IVAL
Beholder 01 TMES 
Dungeon Saga 01 LWAR 
Battletech 01 RREI
Grey Knights 01 AWHI
Mechanicus 01 CPAR 
Antares 02 LWAR
Seraphon 04 JMIL
Fantasy Figures 01 CDAY

Adeptus Mechanicus 01 AROT
Fantasy Figures 07 ASMI
Corvus 01 JSOB
Train 02 RSCH
Train 03 RSCH 
Tau 06 TOXB  piranha
Inquisition 01 DCAM
Gauntlet 01 KMAR
Warhound 01 RCLA
Star Wars Legions 01 KSHA

Kingdom Death 01 AROTNecrons 01 MADA
Fantasy Figure 01 MCOL
Death Guard 02 MHUR
Saruman 01 BGON
Ultramarines 02 BFRE
Inquisition 01 DCAM
Death Guard 02 MHUR
Warhound 01 RCLA
Champions 01 SGAT
Graveyard 01 RBIL
Tau 01 KBEA
Mythic Battles 02 KSHA (Hera/Terrain)
Necrons 04 JHOR
Age of Sigmar 01 PBOU

Eldar 01 TCUN
Death Korps 01 MBAL
Thousand Sons 01 WMAR
Cryx 02 KGRI
Star Wars 01 JWIN
Star Wars 01 KKAP
Star Wars 01 BSHA
Hockey 01 MOLS
Tzeentch Heroes JSCH
Seraphon 03 JMIL
Orks 01 DHEA artistic license
Ultramarines 02 SGAT
Sisters of Battle 02 MRIS
Rocket Ships 01 MJAK *
Blood Angels 01 BOBE
Skaven 01 JMOS
Fantasy Figures 01 NNEW 
Necrons 01 KBEA
Ultramarines 01 MWIL
Fantasy Figure 01 BDUH
Fantasy Figures 01 MTUR
Daemonhunters 02 RJEN
Genestealer Cult 01 CWAD
Adeptus Mechanicus 01 AROT
Blood Angels 01 TPLA

Imperial Guard 01 APRI
Imperial Guard 02 APRI
Imperial Guard 02 TSCA
Fantasy Figures 01 FSCI
Seraphon 02 JMIL
Deathguard 01 MHUR
Tyranids 01 MMER
Deathguard 01 SOLE
Necromancer 01 AFOR
Mythic Battles 01 KSHA  needs vid
TOXB infantry
Kharadrons 01 ABRO (Gunhauler)
Cryx 01 KGRI
Fantasy Figures 01 TMES
Calth 01 GSAR
Orks 08 SGAT

Buck Rogers 01 MJAK pending ship
Ultramarines 01 BFRE 
Lizardmen 01 DJOH touchups
Space Wolves 01 AERN
Necromunda 0 JBES
Kingdom Death 01 RFOR  (assembly only)
Infinity 01 AFOR
Undead 01 JWAL
Daemons 01 RJEN
Daemonhunters 01 RJEN
Cthulhu Wars 03 SFOR
Deathguard 01 RCOT
Khorne 01 BROS
Tzeentch 02 JSCH 
Seraphon 01 JMIL
Khorne 02 MWIL
Roundhouse 01 RSCH
Imperial Guard 01 MTUC
Infinity Vehicles 01 CMEY
Grey Knights 01 JNEW
Antares 01 LWAR
Greater Daemons JWAL upgrades
Verminlord 01 WROS
 Sylvaneth 01 AYOU
Cthulhu 02 SFOR
Warhammer Quest 01 JWA
Necromunda 01 LWAR
Eldar 01 MMER
Blood Bowl 01 LWAR

Guild Ball 01 BSMI
Shadow War Terrain 01 GGAL
Fantasy Figures 01 SNOTH
Infinity 01 DBUR
Crimson Fists 01 MRAN
Space Wolves 01 EIVE
Dwarfs 01 LWAR
Space Marines 08 ASHA Astral Lions
Cadians 01 JFUC
Shadespire 02 BFRE
Imperial Guard 01 TPLA   tanks- detail work
Reaper 01 KMEN
Tau 01 SMOL
Octoblade 01 JSWE
Ultramarines 02 MFRE
Barbarians 01 BARM
Fantasy Figures 06 ASMI
Kingdom Death 01 BWER
Various 01 JNAS
Orcs 01 SVAN

40K Terrain 01 RSCH FW plates
Shadespire 01 BFRE
Hero Forge 01 KHAN
Fantasy Figures 01 JCOM
Hydra 01 MMUN repairs
Sculpts 01 ALAW  touchups
Minions 01 PMAR
Inquisitors 01 NHOR
Tzeentch 01 JSCH +

Custodes 01 CSCH
Eldar 01 DSVO
Thousand Sons 01 WPAR  tanks rework
Dark Angels 02 AWIN
Wolsung 01 AALI
Eldar 04 SMAT
Numenera 01 THAR
Numenera 02 THAR 
Blood Bowl 01 MNAU

Thousand Sons 01 AFOR
Horse Trailers 01 DSKI
Cake Toppers 01 CBEL
Black Templars 02 JRUF  
Harlequins 01 AGER
Hordes 02 OJOH
Dark Millenium BKIE 
Chaos Space Marines 02 RSAN
Chaos Space Marines 01 RSAN
Necrons 02 JHOR
Knights 01 CBRO
Blood Bowl Dwarfs 01 BBOW
Fantasy Figures 05 ASMI
Hero Forge 01 IMAT 
Vikings 01 JSCH
Khador 01
Fantasy Figures 01 GGAR
Imperial Guard 01 TSCA
Infinity 04 BFRE
Harlequins 01 CWHE
Imperial Guard 01 AQUI  historicals
Lizardmen 01 MHIR

Fantasy Figures 03 SROB
Nurgle 01 PVIT
Space Marines 01 CSCH
Eldar 02 CSCH
Isabella 01 WMOR
Cygnar 02 MVEL
Autarch 01 PKUN
Thousand Sons 01 AFIS
Descent 01 PDAG
Imperial Guard 01 KTUC
Tyranids 02 RLAD
Wood Elves 01 TPAF
Fantasy Figures 02 SROB
Salamanders 01 JBEN
Historicals 01 AHAM
Deathguard 01 AGIN
Various 01 JTOD
Khorne 01 JKRA
Dropzone 02 RSCH
Void 01 JFUC protos are done
Outbreak 01 JMOR
Adeptus Mechanicus 03 AZOM
Adeptus Mechanicus 02 DHEM
Infinity 03 JHOR
Blood Angels 01 JCAS
Warmaster 01 JMA
Tau Supremacy Armor 01 GLEV
Khador 01 DBRA
Flames of War 01 PHOD
Grey Knights 04 DHOH needs complete workup
Dark Elves 01 MMUN
Primarch 01 RKAH
Infinity 03 BFRE
Necrons 01 NEVA
Tau 05 TOXB
Ork Gargants 01 RSCH
Robotech 01 CPOZ
Fantasy Figures 01 JLAR 
Eldar 01 AHOW  mostly done
Legion 05 KREN
Tyranids 03 JNIC
Ork Assassins 01 DLEW
Space Wolves 01 CHOL finishing work
SVAN slaanesh chariot
Slaanesh 01 MHOL
Fantasy Figures 01 SROB
Tyranids 01 JSIN
Stargate 01 NEDW
 Starship Troopers 01 PGOO
Chaos Space Marines 01 MHOL
Flash Point 01 DBRO
Grey Knights 03 DHOH  top priority
Stormcasts 01 ESTA etal
Fantasy Figures 01 SKRE  skra
Goatfolk 01 MWIL 
Skaven 01 JKEL hold
Space Hulk 01 MHIR
Age of Sigmar 01 BKIE
RPG Figures 01 JWID
Sisters of Battle 01 MRIS
Scythe 02 DMCN

RPG Figures 01 CRAS

RPG Figures 01 PBAR general touchup
Thousand Sons 01 DWOO
Dropzone 01 RSCH
Eldar 01 CSCH

Aerospace 01 LLYM
Wood Elves 01 PHOD
Old West 01 BMAR
Orboros 01 TOSB
Renegades 01 SCAR
Harlequins 02 CSAR
Eldar Corsairs 07 DAND
Wood Elves 01 TPAF
Warlord 01 MSCH
RPG Figures 01 SLAT
RPG Figures 01 RSCH
Chaos Space Marines 01 CYUE
Guild Ball 01 ESCH
RPG Figures 01 TGEG
Legion 03 JSHE  base markings
Trollbloods 01 JPIE  finishing work
Titans 01 JDUC
Nurgle Marines 02 WCOR
RPG Figures 01 GSTA
RPG Figures 01 GSTA
RPG Figures 01 RBLO
Silver Tower 01 ABAS  magnets being implanted
Cygnar 01 CRAN
Infinity 02 BFRE
RPG Figures 02 MARM
Bolt Action 01 AYOU
Infinity 01 RSCH
Tau 01 ACHA

Adeptus Mechanicus 01 NEVA
Imperial Fists 02 JMCE  packed
Warriors of Chaos 02 ABAS
Blood Bowl 01 ETAL packed
Hordes 01 BKIE  artistic license
Old West 01 PMAN
Kingdom Death 02 ENIE
Boardgames 02 ECHI
Triumvarate 01 JSCH
Kingdom Death  RGOO
Orcs 01 SLIU
Chaos Space Marines 04 SOSB
Space Marines 01 JLOE
Zombies 01 RLYO
Descent 01 RCER

Space Marines 06 ASHA astral lionsw
Boardgames 01 TCHA
Eldar 02 JAND

Blood Bowl 01 PGLA
Imperial Guard 03 RARA
Infinity 01 BFRE
 Eldar 01 KWIL finishing touches
Undead 01 TBJU
RPG Figures 01 RHED
Space Wolves 02 ELAU
Infinity 01 OSIM
Tau 05 CSTO

 Blood Bowl 01 ASHI
Marvel 01 TCRO
Space Marines 03 SCAR
Dark Angels 01 DGRO  needs a vid
Magnus 01 ARAY
RPG Figures 01 MGU
Ironjaws 01 TANS 
Seraphon 01 WGAU

Dwarves 02 JCOS
Grey Knights 01 DHOH
Lord of Change 01 DHEA
Scythe 01 DMCN
Zombicide 01 MSTA
Tau 03 TOXB
Scions 01 CSCH
Eldar 01 KSOL
Empire 01 JBRI
Orcs 01 PMET
Titans 01 ASAD
RPG Figures 01 ZHAM
Guild Ball 01 KMAL
Hordes 01 OJOH
Talisman 01 BBON
Chaos Heroes 01 DHOU 12/30
 Daemons 01 CCUL"khorne dogs"
Blood Bowl 01 DCLE  Expressed 12/19
Cthulhu Wars 01 JCHR  Expressed 12/19
Warhammer Quest 01 NTAR
RPG Figures 01 SSTR
Darklands 01 ENIE 
Genestealer Cult 01 BGUR
ASPR shields, one shield left
Thief 01 CJEN  expedited- additional model coming 12-18
 Khorne 01 CBRO
Tau 01 ASAD
Marines 01 SSTR
Fantasy Figures 03A SCOL
Fantasy Figures 03B SCOL
Tyranids 01 SSTU
Imperial Fists 01 JMCE
Dark Angels 01 AWIN
Madness 01 PDUP
Adeptus Mechanicus 01 DHEM
Reaper 02 MCOL  11/25
Space Marines Heroes 01 JMOY
RPG Figures 01 ABUR  one figure
RPG Figures 01 PPIE
Cryx 08 JBAC
Halo 01 TKOL
Chaos Space Marines 03 JHOK
Fantasy Figures 02 SCOL
Seraphon 02 AROO
Heroes 01 MROS
Primarchs 01 NEVA
Khador 01 MCON touchups
Tyranids 01 CGAR
Khorne 01 MWIL 
Trollbloods 01 TPLA
Yashima 01 SSU
Imperial Guard 01 KLUS returning
RPG Figures 01 GAVE
Zombicide 01 AMAD
Tau 02 TOXB
Warhammer 01 KMUR
Tau 01 DMOS
Khador 01 WMOS
Space Marines 02 LNIC
Dungeon Lair 02 RROL 

Dark Eldar 01 GJOH  packed
Genestealers 01 CSCH
Scions 01 TBRO packed
Cygnar 01 SCAS packed
Beastclaws 01 MJUL goblins
Roller Derby 01 JCAR
Boardgames 01 ECHI
Nurgle Marines 01 WCOR
Imperial Guard 02 RSIS etc = 08/15
Cygnar 01 CWEI  rework
Iron Warriors 01 PDOU   packed
Space Wolves 01 CFAI packed
Drop Pods 01 TGIL packed
RPG Figures 02 RMOR

Skaven 01 MGOT
Brimstone 01 RDEE 
Dwarves 01 JCOS
Dwarfs 04 SZAG
Bolt Action 01 TBRI
RPG Figures 04 ASMI
Templars 01 RDAV
Guild Ball 01 LROD
Ultramarines 01 GBER
Blood Angels 01 AYOU
Board Games 01 MHAR
Infinity 01 NRAM
Infinity 02 DBLA
Infinity 02 BFLE
Salamanders 02 AVAN
Primarch 01 JPER
Space Wolves 01 ELAU  
Iron Hands 01 JKLE  etc = Aug 20
Necron Overlord 01 ZMOH
Raging Heroes 01 JDUC
Khorne 01 CSCH
Skin Wolves 01 RDUN
Ultramarines 01 CFOW finishing one model
War Machine 63 BFRE

Guild Ball 01 BDAN
Super Dungeon Explore 01 SMER proceeding
Infinity 01 MSTE
Goblin Basing 01 DMIL  
Infinity 01 GCUE
Seraphon 01 AROO
Deathwatch 01 JMCC
Fortune and Glory 01 JLAM  done
Space Marines 01 SCAR

Demogorgon 01 JDIN
Imperial Guard 01 JTIR
Black Templars 01 JDUC  etc = 7/30
Chaos Space Marines 01 DWAT
Necrons 01 SROS 
Dark Eldar 01 WPAY
Imperial Fists 01 SWEL  rework done
RPG Figures 01 DCAR  rework done
Warlord 01 ABUY waiting for ship
Space Hulk 01 DING  finished
Orboros 01 NMCG
Warhammer Quest 01 DCLE  etc 06/30
Lizardmen 01 MSCH  
Orks 03 RDAV
Ultramarines 01 MFRE
RPG Figures 01 CBLA single figure
AdMech 01 BSTO 
Shadowrun 01 AARO
Baseball 02 ESCH one model
RPG Figures 01 CSTE
Orks 01 DCAT
Imperial Guard 01 GGAR
Terrans 01 HNEN expeditiousness
Super Dungeon Explore 01 NTEN returned, will be re-shipped
RPG Figures (Ratfolk) 01 MSTI
Blood Bowl 02 BTEW
RPG Figures 02 ASMI
RPG Heroes 03 ASMI
Frostgrave 01 BWHI
Cygnar 01 DSTA  followup work
Dark Elves 02 CMCH
Blood Bowl 01 JLAZ
Logan Grimnar 01 AHWA
Tau 01 JLAM

Tau 01 TOXB
Harlequins 01 CSAR
Fantasy Figures 01 SCOL
Dark Angels 03 BTOB
Dark Angels 01 JVAL
Dungeon Lair 01 RROL
Star Wars 17 PHOD
Eldar 01 PWAL
Tau 01 PGLA
Necromunda 01 MBOV
Grey Knights 01 AMUR
Jungle Tau 01 RCHA
Titan 01 JLIC
Dark Elves 01 CMCH witch elves peeled into 02 

Space Marines 01 AWEA
Sculptures 01 KGAA

Sisters of Sigmar 01 NVIT
Tyranids 02 MFAR
Dark Angels 01 and 02 LHUL
Space Marines 05 ASHA
Dark Eldar 01 JWIC
Demons 01 DCLA  ready to ship, in holding pattern
Tau 01 CGEN held to ship later
Reaper 01 BYOU part D big guys
Deathwing 01 TTAF 
War of Kings re-do HROB
Baseball Figures 01 ESCH
Cryx 02 DLAB
Salamanders 01 JNEW
Bretonnians 02 JROS
Dark Angels 01 MFAB
Warriors of Chaos 04 WLEA
Dreadfleet 01 JKIN
Terrain 01 RSCH
Legion 02 BROU
Dwarfs 01 AYOU 

Infinity 01 RHIG
Orks 01 CSTA rush
 Trollbloods 06 JLAM
Star Wars 15 PHOD
Star Wars 16 PHOD
Dropzone 01 JBAC
Space Marines 01 JLIC

High Elves 02 BBOW
Adeptus Mechanicus 02 TONE
Emperor's Children 01 JRHO
Figures 01 SDER  tattoo work done!
Khador 02 MCON
Tyranids 01 BWER finishing additional arms
Tyranids 01 MOTE
Blood Angels 01 TRIC 

Super Dungeon Explore 07 WZEI

Trollbloods 05 JLAM
War Machine 62 BFRE Skorne 
Reaper 01 BYOU part A
Kingdom Death 01 ENIE
 Retribution 01 BESC
Imperial Fists 01 MLAW
Dark Angels 01 PHAN  slc

High Elves 02 EAVE now combined with 01
WHUN fillers
Tau 02 BWER  Finishing work
Star Wars 14 PHOD
Chaos Space Marines 01 JROB
 RPG Figures 02 TCHR
Minions 01 WSAC
Wolfsung 01 DCLE
Necrons 02 BWER lava bases
Blood Angels 01 JLIG
Tau 01 JMAJ
Space Marine Diorama 01 DJAN

Tau 01 AVAN
Dark Angels 01 TLES
Orks 01 JSTR
Reaper 01 WSHA 

Bretonnians 01 JROS
Empire 01 CHOL
Orks 01 GASS

Flames of War 02 DCLO 
Tyranids 01 MFAR

Space Marines 05 ADAK
Chaos Space Marines 01 SWET
High Elves 01 BBOW
CMOO repairs 
Bretonnians 02 ASCR
40K Heroes 01 JJON
Space Marines 01 RHUG
Primarchs 01 PMUR
Lizardmen 01 DMAR etc=12/15
Death Korps 01 NEVA etc=12/21
Lizardmen 01 JMIL magnetized arm is done, ready to pack
Tyranids 01 HBOR 
Malifaux 01 DROD
Adeptus Mechanicus 01 TONE
Admech 02 AZOM
Abaddon 01 AMIS
Cryx 01 DLAB
Bretonnians 01 ASCR  now rolled into part 02
 Star Wars 01 AYOU
 Ravenguard 02 NYAX  rework
High Elves 01 EAVE
Reaper 05 BBIN
Corsairs 06 DAND
Khorne 01 RWIL
Orks 01 WPRI Ork Biker Boss 
Super Dungeon Explore 01 WSAC
US Army 01 RDYR 
Tau 01 BWER

Infinity 01 RFRE  
Stormcast 01 DDES
Infinity 01 JMEC
Infinity 02/03 JHOR
Retribution 05 MVON  
Terra Folk 01 LPUR

Trollbloods 01 RDAV

Warriors of Chaos 01 ASCR vid is done
Arena Rex 02 JCAM
Space Marines 01 JNEL rework
Ogres 01 AFUL  waiting for client final approval
Star Wars 04 TOXB

Salamanders 01 AVAN 
Infinity 01 AIRI
Salamanders 01 NVAU etc=10/30
Kingdom Death 01 DGUE
Savage Worlds 01 MKRI
Infinity 01 JFLA 
RPG Figures 02 SHAR
Malifaux 03 TMAT
Tau 01 KAUM 
Blood Angels 02 MRUK
Eldar 02 SMAT 
Star Wars 11 PHOD
Assasins 01 CSIM
Mimic 01 SMIL
Ogres 01 MLEE
Imperial Guard 01 MKAR   etc=10/30
Adeptus Mechanicus 02 ADET
Blood Angels 01 WONE  
Grey Knights 01 JAND 
War Machine 01 JSNO and Space Hulk
Space Wolves 01 PSAN
Eliphas 01 DHER Sovereign fox
Baneblade 01 NWIL etc=10/05
Dark Angels 02 BTOB
Iron Wolves 01 DAND
Wood Elves 01 MNGU  etc=09/21
Flames of War 01 DCLO

Grey Knights 01 AAKE
Necrons 01 BWER 
Mice and Mystics 01 THAM 
Word Bearers 01 TWRI
Grey Knights librarian 01 NEDW
Blood Bowl JHUG
Blood Angels 01 AJAV
Discworld 01 TCHR etc=08/03
Infinity Tohaa 02 BSMI
Cryx 07 JBAC
Strongpoint 01 JBAC
Cryx 06 JBAC
Mirai 01 SBAR
Legion 02 AHIC
Orks 01 MKLI 
Grey Knights 01 CCHA
Tau 01 EBEE
40K Heroes 01 FLOP
Thousand Sons 01 LMUR
High Elves 01 OSTR (Wood Elves)
Retribution 03 TSOB

Warriors of Chaos 01 AAVE
Malifaux 02 TMAT
Daemon Prince 01 AMOS
Warriors of Chaos 03 WLEA waiting for other parts to be done

It's in the shipping room ready to get packed up. 
Harlequins weaponry for T. Gross
Dark Eldar 01 CMON
 AdMech 01 AZOM
 Eldar 01 MRUK 
Cygnar 01 JMUR
War Machine 61 BFRE 
Anima Tactics 01 BKNO
Emperor's Children 01 JRHO
 Tau 01 JMON
Super Dungeon Explore 06 WZEI
Red Dwarves 03 SZAG
Mordheim 01 JSJO
Retribution 01 CYOA
Blood Angels 01 JRUP
Fantasy 01 TROC
Star Wars 10 PHOD
Space Marines 01 HMUR
Space Marines 02 BLIN iron hands

Unusual Circumstances
So many things could be going on here!  Usually we are waiting on something from you the client.  This can also be the temporary home of a project this is getting modifications done.

RPG Figures 01 THOF
Space Wolves 01 JGES
Mechanicum 01 DGRA

Star Wars 01 RRIC *
Wild West 01 SDZY
Space Marines 01 JWON
Grey Knights 01 JWOY
Space Marines 01 AAND client sending models
Warriors of Chaos 01 SYEO
Tomb Kings 01 RDES
Relic Knight 01 JGAT
Space Marines 01 CCHE please contact Shawn
 Semi Trucks

Holding Pattern
Imperial Fists JBEN *  waiting on client for response and models 